Pilot Project to create a 'Global Water Quality Analysis and Service Platform' –


Pilotprojekt Analyse- und Service-Plattform

Globale Wasserqualität

The GlobeWQ project is financed by the BMBF funding measure Water as a Global Resource (GRoW) supervised by Projektträger Karlsruhe (PTKA), Division for Water Technology.


Project number: 02WGR1527A

Duration: 01.10.2019 – 30.09.2022



Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Magdeburg & Leipzig

Lead: Prof. Dr. Dietrich Borchardt

Contact: Dr. Ilona Bärlund

Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB)

Contact: Prof. Dr. Martina Flörke

EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG, Seefeld

Contact: Dr. Thomas Heege

Terrestris GmbH & Co. KG, Bonn

Contact: Hinrich Paulsen


Strategic Partners:

UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Contact: Dr. Hartwig Kremer

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Contact: Dr. Lilian Busse

European Environment Agency (EEA)

Dr. Stéphane Isoard

International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (UNESCO)

Contact: Dr. Philipp Saile


Program supervision on behalf of BMBF provided by Project Management Agency Karlsruhe (PTKA)



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Improving water quality is one of the major societal challenges worldwide and consequently a key issue in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (especially Sustainability Goal 6 ‘Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’). Strategies and measures to reach this goal require coherent determination, analysis and visualization of water quality from regional to global scales. The GlobeWQ project will deliver a prototype for such an analysis and service platform.


The main goals of GlobeWQ are thus:

  • to develop, test and – in exemplary ways – apply an integrated and cross-scale analysis and evaluation methodology for water quality of surface and groundwaters;
  • to provide novel data synthesis of in-situ measured, modelled and remote sensing based information;
  • to identify existing and developing threats to water security with focus on water quality.


GlobeWQ is embedded in the World Water Quality Alliance led by the UN Environment Programme with the challenging task to compile a World Water Quality Assessment by 2023 on current and future freshwater quality. The GlobeWQ project is a direct continuation of the pre-study that resulted in a snapshot of world's water quality  and a roadmap for a worldwide assessment. The GlobeWQ project is associated to the BMBF funding measure Water as a Global Resource (GRoW).